An ottoman is one of the most useful pieces of furniture in your home. It can serve as a place to put your feet up, a coffee table and even a bed for the dog. Upholstered ottomans can be expensive, but if you have an old table, you can turn it into a decorative ottoman in no time. You only need some basic sewing skills to accomplish a project you'll be proud to say is your own. Does this Spark an idea?
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Find a table. You can use that old coffee table in your attic or just shop your local thrift store. Neighborhood garage sales usually yield fantastic furniture buys. A coffee table is the perfect size, but any low table will work.
2Mark with a pencil the places on the table top where you want your tufting buttons. There's no hard and fast rule; just space them out evenly. Drill holes through to the bottom of the table.
3Cut a piece of thick foam to fit the top of the table. The foam can be as thick or as thin as you like, but to really get a luxurious look, use foam that is at least three inches thick. Glue the foam to the top of the table with spray adhesive.
4Glue extra foam to the sides of the table to give it a more cushy feel. Use spray adhesive for this, too.
5Remove the table legs by unscrewing them. Place the table upside down on quilt batting. Pull the batting taut and staple it into place underneath the table with a staple gun. You need the top and the sides completely covered with the batting.
6Cut the decorative fabric to cover the table top and sides, allowing for about 4 to 5 inches underneath the table. Turn the table upside down on the fabric. Pull the fabric tautly and staple it underneath the table.
7Sew on the tufting buttons with a long, heavy needle. Thick thread, such as upholstery thread or embroidery floss, works best. Use the drilled holes on the underside of the table as your guides. Replace the legs, and your new ottoman is ready.
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