Coffee table books are small publications that homeowners can place in their living rooms. This is so when someone comes to visit, there's something to talk about. If you find yourself digging for the family album way too often, why not turn it into a coffee table book? Perhaps you're an artist of some kind. You can use a coffee table book as your portfolio, sharing your best work with potential clients when they come to visit. Thanks to digital printers, just about anyone can make and print their own coffee table book.
Personal Portfolio
A portfolio is a sampling of someone's best work, no matter if they paint, build or cook. If you work with clients and have taken photos of their project, you can place them inside your book. You could even ask for their permission to use a testimonial or two. Coffee table art books are more than just art you can look at. Think of the personal portfolio as a portable website. Instead of booting up your laptop and pointing at a small screen, you can allow your visitors to look over the book on their own.
Phrase of the Day
Phrases of the day usually come in a smaller size and cover things such as comic strips and inspirational verses. While you're supposed to remove the phrases once the day is over, you can keep them in a folder for later use. Not everyone can be an artist. However, if you have a large collection of poems, thoughts or prose, you may want to think about making a coffee table art book to lift and inspire those who come to visit.
Family Vacation
Think back on how many times you've invited a new friend or co-worker over, only to have to go running for the photo album. Depending on the size of your family and the album you use, it may be too heavy to lug back and forth. To save your arms and back, you may want to look into creating a small album of your own. With the use of photo editing software, you can resize your images to fit more on each page. Your album will still be there when you need it, but for quick sharing, publishing a small book may be best.
Seasonal Photographs
Art books generally follow a theme. This can be done for any theme you like. Look through the photographs you've taken and split them into piles based on the season. Pick a handful from each pile and use them to create an art book. This works great if you've taken a photo in the same place during different parts of the year.
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